
Thank you for interest in volunteering with the FHS Booster Club.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

We are continually updating this page with current volunteer opportunities.  Both Parents and students are encouraged to volunteer.  Please click the links above to be taken to a Sign Up Genius Form and select the dates, times, and areas that work best for you.

For example, in the 2017-2018 school year, $10,107 concession grants were awarded to FHS clubs, organizations and teams. Individual students, parents, and staff signed up and worked the concession to raise money for their clubs. To raise money for your club sign up to work on the Concessions Sign Up.

Example of Concession Grants awarded:

  • Men’s Soccer – $500  for nets and equipment
  • Robotics  -$500 for competition equipment
  • Men’s Tennis – $500
  • Co-Ed Track – $750
  • Football -$750- Helmet painting
  • Ladies Golf- $750
  • Volleyball – $500
  • FBLA- $500 Transportation to
  • Microphones- $500
  • Green Club- $500 – Plants and pots

Want a FREE Athletic Pass?

The FHS Booster have worked with the Frederick High School Athletic Department to bring a great opportunity to our students.  Students who volunteer 10 hours of their time towards Booster sponsored activities can earn a Free Athletic Pass for the School Year.

Volunteer opportunities will take place through out the entire school year.